Saturday, August 31, 2019

Effects of Having a Boyfriend/Girlfriend Essay

Introduction Do you know what the use of boyfriend/girlfriend? As a student , do you keep on falling in love? Being love by someone can help the student to admire life? Significance of the study This study is about the negative and positive effectiveness of having a boyfriend/girlfriend and its part can be a self concern to enhance the capacity of the students to learn in balancing their time in having a boyfriend/girlfriend, This is a small contribution to the students concerning about its self. The goal of this research paper is to help the students to see how the lovelife can change their life , whether positive or negative. The paper is also designed to gather the opinion of the students on how they look at their love life. The output of this project can be a source material for future improvement. Statement of the Problem see more:effects of having a romantic relationship while studying This study intends to investigate the negative and positive effectivity of having a boyfriend/girlfriend to junior students of St. Thomas Academy Specifically , this study aims to answer the following questions: a.) Does having a boyfriend/girlfriend help them a lot? b.) Does it affect their life here at school or outside of the school? c.) Do their behavior change when they feel love? d.) Are they aware of the consequences of having a boyfriend/girlfriend will bring? e.) Do they understand the true meaning of love in their boyfriend/girlfriend? Scope and limitation of the study The scope of this study are the juniors or the 3rd year students of St. Thomas Academy. The researcher chose them because as far as the researcher see almpst all of the 3rd year students are having a boyfriend/girlfriend. The respondents have more experience in having it. The limitation of this study are only those students ithat are already have or already had a bf/gf and they are the only who are allowed to participate in the research.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Compare and Contrast Emily and Miss Brill Essay

Miss Brill in Katherine Mansfield’ short story â€Å"Miss Brill† and Emily in â€Å"A Rose for Emily† by William Faulkner exhibits interesting similarities and differences. The differences and similarities are evident in their characters. The two stories appear different but the relationship they share is very profound. The stories openly to the reader the realization of similarities and dissimilarities in them and the readers in terms of themes within the story, character traits and plot advancement. The plots of the stories unfold to review the dissimilarities in the social lives between Miss Brill and Grierson Emily. The dissimilarities cannot overweigh the similarities between the two characters in the luck of romantic and genuine social lives and their fateful states of denial. The pride that associates with the community involvement is the major difference between the two characters. Normally people are proud to associate with the community since the involvement gives them a sense if something bigger. Miss Brill takes a community level with more seriously and to a higher level than Emily Grierson who does not take it with much seriousness. This fact makes them different. Miss Brill has a boring life. This fact is evident when she goes to the dark cupboard room. In the room, the almond slice of cake excites her. The depth of Miss Brill loneliness and sadness convinces her that she is an important member of the community. He fills that her contribution is the key driver of her community and in case she withdraws, the community will not survive or operate properly. She thinks that they (community) â€Å"were all stage acting. She was assigned a part sand came every Sunday. No doubt if she hadn’t been somebody there would have noticed; after all she was part of the performance† (Mansfield 20). On the other hand, Emily’s character is a clear contrast of Brill’s character. The narrator brings out the difference when he speaks of Emily’s death. According t the narrator, â€Å"the whole town attended Miss Emily Grierson’s funeral†. The narrator continues to add that, the males attend  the funeral â€Å"as a sign of respect to a fallen monument.† The females attend the funeral because they â€Å"were driven by curiosity to find out how the inside of her house appeared like since no one other than an old manservant had seen it in at least ten years† (Faulkner, 32). Miss Emily Grierson’s father confined her to into the house and continues with the state even after her death. The situation makes the people of the town curious about the life of Miss Emily Grierson’s. The only thing the Miss Emily Grierson did with people was to teach children how to paint china, a craft the people considers useless and outdated. Her l ack of involvement and disinterest in the society is clear when she evades taxes. Read Also:  Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for College She says, â€Å"See Colonel Satoris. I have no taxes in Jefferson† the colonel is dead for almost ten years. The relationship is another point of comparison between the two characters. The both lack romantic and ordinary relationship. None of the two ended up with a functional social life, although there is a bid difference between their public lives. The two stories reveal to the reader a life of two lonely women. Brill would spend her Sunday outings watching people with hopes that she would hear their voices. To her disappointment, people â€Å"did not speak.† (Mansfield, 18). Brill’s gets boredom, a mixture of feelings, and joy from things that she sees and unconsciously relates them to her own life. Comparing herself from a woman who gives her a flower confuses her about whether to reject or accept them. She finally â€Å"she throws flowers† (Mansfield, 19). Emily’s distinctive relationship with her father is the reason she lacks social relationship. His father overprotective nature denies Emily a chance to relate socially. She remembers the â€Å"the young men that had been driven away by her father† (Faulkner, 36). Her father denies her a chance to meet people, not only during the time she is alive, also after she is dead. Brill comes up with a reason for apparent signs of poor circulation ensuing from old age. The grief in her life is what causes the feeling in her. She suppresses and denies the feeling. She says, â€Å"And what they played was sunny, warm, yet there was a mere faint chill or something, what was it?-it is not sadness but rather -a something that made you desire to sing† (Mansfield, 21). The rebuff in Emily’s side is first apparent when she fails to accept her father is dead. She is dressed normally. Despite the  efforts of doctors and the ministry efforts to convince her that her dad is dead, â€Å"She said to them that her father was still alive. She remained in this state of denial for three days (Faulkner, 36). This shows the results of suppressing grief. In conclusion, even though the two stories, â€Å"A Rose or Emily† and â€Å"Miss Brill† seem to revolve around two dissimilar women living lives that completely differ; they are the same in many subtle, but valuable ways. At the same time, their lives differ in how the two women socialize.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Biology in Everyday Life

This Perspective from Penney Gilbert and colleagues from the USA and Sweden focuses on adult stem cells found in skeletal muscle, also known as satellite cells. They address the problem that, once extracted from muscle and placed into culture, satellite cells quickly lose their ability to self-renew, complicating studies into their biology. The development of new bioengineering approaches, such as hydrogel microwell arrays, could solve this problem. These approaches can accurately monitor the behavior of satellite cells and provide robust data sets, thanks to the number of different tests that can be carried out in parallel. To illustrate the usefulness of such tools, the authors show how stem cell division and self-renewal can be tracked in clonal assays using time-lapse microscopy. By increasing the stiffness of the hydrogel microwells in the assays, satellite cells can be maintained in culture for up to one week and successfully engraft back into mouse muscle. Stem cells hold the potential to become part of powerful medical treatments and therapies, but only if we understand how we are changing them by removing them from their niche. This Perspective pushes this issue to the fore and offers some suggestions as to how we can further improve stem cell culture http://the-scientist. com/2012/04/01/are-cancer-stem-cells-ready-for-prime-time/ Biology in Everyday Life This Perspective from Penney Gilbert and colleagues from the USA and Sweden focuses on adult stem cells found in skeletal muscle, also known as satellite cells. They address the problem that, once extracted from muscle and placed into culture, satellite cells quickly lose their ability to self-renew, complicating studies into their biology. The development of new bioengineering approaches, such as hydrogel microwell arrays, could solve this problem. These approaches can accurately monitor the behavior of satellite cells and provide robust data sets, thanks to the number of different tests that can be carried out in parallel. To illustrate the usefulness of such tools, the authors show how stem cell division and self-renewal can be tracked in clonal assays using time-lapse microscopy. By increasing the stiffness of the hydrogel microwells in the assays, satellite cells can be maintained in culture for up to one week and successfully engraft back into mouse muscle. Stem cells hold the potential to become part of powerful medical treatments and therapies, but only if we understand how we are changing them by removing them from their niche. This Perspective pushes this issue to the fore and offers some suggestions as to how we can further improve stem cell culture http://the-scientist. com/2012/04/01/are-cancer-stem-cells-ready-for-prime-time/

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Answer questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 16

Answer questions - Essay Example Therefore, the formation of the family aimed at exposing the members into different sexual orientation in, a more or less, observational technique to understand what sexuality entails. In this case, the family assists in understanding lesbianism and heterosexuals in a detailed manner. The family is not only a study association but also a social bond enhanced by the sexual diversity, indifference and respect. For this reason, the actual meaning of the relationship is immeasurable in both the neither qualitative nor quantitative terms. However, the solidarity and cohesion promoted by the family is unpredictable. The family is an opportunity to understand sexual orientation in a holistic perspective by examining the factors that influence sexuality, social perception, and the challenges experienced by the LGBTQ individuals. The most common type of gender identity microaggressions in an institution is the disapproval of the LGBTQ experience where these individuals receive awkward and condemned treatment. Specifically, the disapproval occurs either consciously or unintentional. However, both cases causes harm to the victim (Nadal 91). Additionally, there is a general perception of the LGBTQs as abnormal for their non-conforming sexual orientation. Specifically, heterosexual individuals consider the LGBTQ persons as overly sexual and sexual deviant (Nadal 93). Other forms of microaggressions include the denial of the reality of transphobia, physical threat and harassment, and denial of bodily privacy among others (Nadal 96). Notably, institutions such as schools and the workplace exhibit instances of gender identity microaggressions. Specifically, the most common types of discrimination occur among friends, family members or even the LGBT people (Nadal, 2013). The consequence of microaggressions includes victimization, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse, and depression among other well-being effects.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tourism Demand to the Portfolio of a Developing and Developed Country Research Paper

Tourism Demand to the Portfolio of a Developing and Developed Country - Research Paper Example Tourism is defined as travel for the purpose of business, leisure or recreation. However, tourism is a very important sector for several economies because of the resultant inflows of huge amounts of money in business activities as well as creation of employment opportunities in services associated with tourism such as hospitality services, cruise ships, entertainment, airlines and transport. This paper has examined the different aspects of tourism demand and after having defined the concepts and models of tourism, a detailed analysis has been made of the demand for tourism in Switzerland and Indonesia. In arriving at the different conclusions, this paper has mainly relied on journals, magazines and books that are available on the internet. Tourism is understood as the activity related to people moving away from their normal environments for reasons that are diverse from their work or profession. Tourism is not a new phenomenon and was favored with individuals that wished to enhance t heir education while the wealthy class traveled largely for pleasure, for socializing or to personally visit destinations that were widely described in the literature or reported by travelers. With the improvement of transport systems in terms of speed and comfort, the flow of visitors increased even to far flung areas. In recent times the traveling habits of people have increased considerably primarily because of: Fast, secure and comparatively cheap modes of transport Increasing interests relative to knowing of new cultures Widespread information about the attractiveness of different places Increasing disposable incomes and leisure time in several parts of the world The earliest attempts to study tourism were made by Ogilvie (1933) who held that the word tourism was the result of the curiosity of language because till that time there was no such word in the English language. He wrote that it can be used to describe an individual that simply leaves his home or country with the obje ctive of coming back to his home after some time. His definition of tourists was, â€Å"all people who satisfy two conditions, that they are away from home for any period of less than a year and second, that while they are away they spend money in the place they visit without earning it there† (Ogilvie, 1933, p.5). In considering Ogilvie’s definition, Burkart and Medlik (1981) identified four major characteristics of tourism: They are people who undertake journeys to stay in various destinations (Burkart and Medlik, 1981, p.42). Their destinations are distinct from their normal place of residence and work so that their activities are not the same as those of the residents and working populations of their destinations (Burkart and Medlik, 1981, p.42). Their intention is to return within a few days or months, so the journey is of a temporary and short term nature (Burkart and Medlik, 1981, p.42). Their purpose for undertaking the journey is other than to take up permanen t residence or employment remunerated from within the destinations (Burkart and Medlik, 1981, p.42). A socialist approach has been adopted by Cohen (1974) in defining a tourist as, â€Å"a voluntary, temperory traveler traveling in the expectation of

Monday, August 26, 2019

E-marketing Master Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

E-marketing Master - Essay Example On the other hand , following are some disadvantages of e-Marketing: lack of personal approach; dependability on technology; security, privacy issues ;maintenance costs due to a constantly evolving environment; higher transparency of pricing and increased price competition; and worldwide competition through globalization Perhaps nothing is more conducive to the success of a firm than the image that it conveys of itself to the public. The marketing activities of a company, because they act directly on the consumer, do most to shape this image and thus must be developed with great care. As marketing has become increasingly complex, a need has arisen for executives trained in the social sciences who also possess statistical, mathematical, and computer backgrounds. Marketing, since time immemorial, has pretty much been around. It has taken its form in one way or another, but it had always been there and forever it will be. Ordinarily, marketing is considered an activity or function performed by business firms. However, marketing can also be carried out by other organizations and even by individuals. Whenever you try to persuade somebody to buy something, you are performing a marketing activity. Broadly viewed, the essence of marketing is a transaction - an exchange. Marketing occurs any time one social unit strives to exchange something of value with another social unit. Thus, marketing consists of all activities designed to generate and facilitate any exchange intended to satisfy human needs or wants ( Stanton, 1991). The methods of marketing have changed and improved. From the primitive method of barter, to use of currency, marketing has now become more sophisticated . This process is now called eMarketing. eMarketing is the "product of the meeting between modern communication technologies and the age-old marketing principles that humans have always applied E-marketing or electronic marketing refers to the application of marketing principles and techniques via electronic media and more specifically the Internet. The terms eMarketing, Internet marketing and online marketing, are frequently interchanged, and can often be considered synonymous." eMarketing is the process of marketing a brand using the Internet. It includes both direct response marketing and indirect marketing elements and uses a range of technologies to help connect businesses to their customers. By such a definition, eMarketing encompasses all the activities a business conducts via the worldwide web with the aim of attracting new business, retaining current business and developing its brand identity. E-marketing involves marketing planning within the context of the e-business e-environment. So not surprisingly, the successful e-marketing plan is based on traditional marketing disciplines and planning techniques, adapted for the digital media environment and then mixed with new digital marketing communications

Training Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Training Plan - Assignment Example The document acts as a guideline that describes license, permit and registration granted to a merchandise store. Given that Sport Check is a leading retailer of sports products, the content of the information in the document outlines the details of the project. Therefore, employees should be guided by the business start up Alberta Guide. The document offers steps involved in establishing a business in the merchandise store. Also, it assists employees in navigating through the state programs and services stipulated in sporting products. Getting an overview of the industry is also part of the knowledge of the merchandise store that employees must be conversant with in sporting stores. The overview outlines the types of operation involved in sporting stores such as Sport Check. New employees can learn the nature of the operation of the stores, franchise, location and design of Sport Check in Canada. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦(Canada Business Network, n.d. ) The employees must have adequate knowledge about the prices of products available in the merchandise stores. The shop has diverse products such as converse chuck Taylor, Speedo Graduated Compression, Nike Remora Swim Goggle that are sold at $64.99, $15.99 and $7.99 respectively. These products are among the few products that exist in the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Organizing and Staffing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizing and Staffing - Essay Example Due to the privacy environment of healthcare workers have to be able to make decisions without the need of having an immediate supervision question their judgment. Patients have to be able to trust the healthcare professional that is providing them with care. In the emergency room doctors and nurses are faced with tough situations and health cases that require the worker to make quick decisions that can have serious consequences in the lives of patients. The use of delegation gives the healthcare worker the ability to work faster. Due to the responsibilities associated with delegation of work in the healthcare industry health care professionals require many years of training and education. The use of delegation can save hospitals and other healthcare institutions money due to lower costs supervisory costs. Delegation enables workers to be able perform job related task without the need of a supervisor watching over the work of the employees. Delegation and empowerment are two closely related concepts. Delegation occurs when a manager gives a worker more responsibility by allowing them to make perform a particular job related task. Empowerment is the actual power the employee gains from delegation. Employees that are given empowerment are more motivated because they feel a greater sense of worth from their jobs. The use of empowerment can improve the efficiency of a business operation. Workers that are empowered are able to work faster because they have the ability to make their own decisions. Empowerment can also help improve the organization within a company. Organization refers to activities to collect and configure resources in order to implement plans in a highly effective and efficient manner (Managementhelp, 2010). When manager are able to correctly implement delegation the worke rs of a firm become more productive. It is

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Professional Nursing Boundaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Professional Nursing Boundaries - Essay Example Other boundaries include respecting the integrity of personal information, separating the professional demands from emotions, inability to call patient nicknames such as honey or sweetie (Barton, n.d). In addition, professionals can not touch the patients in appropriately and the demeanor of the physician should always be professional. In addition, tips, gifts or favors are also boundaries that exist in all health care settings (Barton, n.d). In the situation where I would witness a colleague violating professional boundaries, I would first confront him or her and explain the situation. Depending on the nature of the situation, I would observe and see if he or she makes any changes. If the colleague continues to violate the boundaries, I would have no choice but to report the issue to my superiors. However, if the violation involves more serious scenarios that jeopardize the health of the patient, I would report the situation

Friday, August 23, 2019

Feminist Movement in the 1960's Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Feminist Movement in the 1960's - Research Paper Example The first wave was less radical and dealt with issues such as women’s voting rights and gender equality. The second however broadened the spectrum and agitated for issues such as sexual liberation, workplace inequalities and legal inequalities. One of the factors that propelled this movement was feminist publications. In Betty Friedman’s book; The Feminine Mystique, she put’s forward among other things, that woman should not be relegated to the home as it is a waste of her potential (Helium: Understanding the 60s' women's liberation, par 4 Sept. 2008). It was a bestseller world over and influenced many feminists after its publication in 1965. Women attempted to empower themselves through the law through steps in the legal arena one such being the 1963 bill by Esther Saperstein introduced into state legislature meant to create a Commission on the Status of Women in conjunction with relevant national legislation. . (Encyclopedia of Chicago: Feminist movements 2004) .They also formed feminist movements. It is in these period movements such as that the women’s liberation movement, which argued that women suffered both personal and political oppression in a male-dominated society and Chicago women’s liberation movements (1965) were formed (Encyclopedia of Chicago: Feminist movements, 2004). ... Feminists also agitated for freedom in sexual reproduction; they demanded access to abortion services, rape clinics and family planning services. They even went as far as to; through a movement named â€Å"Jane† to provide abortions in Illinois despite its being illegal there. Several landmark legislations for the feminist movement were passed at this time. Such included the Equal Pay Act of 1963 which disallowed sex based discrimination between men and women working under similar conditions. (Helium: Understanding the 60s' women's liberation, par 7 Sept. 2008) The civil rights amendment of 1964 also guarded against discrimination based on gender, race color or creed. This however did not always guarantee that the discrimination would stop and even while they were in place Betty Friedman in 1966 formed now an organization that interrogated the discriminative practices in work place. This showed that despite changing the laws, it would take a lot more to change the minds of peo ple (Helium: understanding the 60s' women's liberation, par 7 Sept. 2008). During the Miss America pageant in 1968, a group of feminists protested the move and claimed that through such pageants, they were being viewed as sex objects. They demonstrated and in what were popularly known as bra burnings; they removed their bras and called for a bra ban. Such action did raise criticism in some quarters where it was said that their actions to fight the view as sex objects made them the same thing. This however is just an opinion. Through these actions, women were showing the world that they could not and would not be ignored and they were willing to do whatever needed doing to get on equal footing with men and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Biblical Worldview Essay Example for Free

Biblical Worldview Essay Introduction In Romans we learn so many aspects of Christian’s life. It tells us how we as Christian’s should view the natural world, our identity and our relationship with others, our culture, and civilization. There is so much more we could learn from this book. In Romans 1-8 we will find that the information in it is so much that we will not get the full meaning of all the things it is saying unless we look deeper into it. Romans 1-8 takes us from our total inability to walk in good works, to God’s faithfulness in justifying, sanctifying, and glorifying us by our faith through God’s grace. The Natural World We all know that God through his own words formed the natural world. God spoke the universe and everything that existence in it. As Christian’s we should know this because as believers, we believe the bible is a revelation of God and that it is not just a book written by human hands. Paul writes in Romans 1:20-21 â€Å"For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by things that made, even in his eternal power and God head, so that they are without excuse, 21- because although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened†. God made everything and he is showing those that disrespect him in his face with their sin himself so that when they know that there is a God and he created everything. Human Identity Our human Identity of who we as a mankind is that we all were made in God’s image. God created us equally, but he also gives us the free will to choose to serve him or not. In Psalm 8:5 it says â€Å"For you have made him a little lower than the angels; and you have crowned him with glory and honor.† And in Genesis 2:15 â€Å"Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it.† We have many things that are wrong with us that we can’t fix, so we need Jesus to justify, sanctify, and glorify us. We need all three those that we can be connected to Christ, live life, server  him and when we die we will get to enjoy eternal heaven with him, and have everlasting life. Human Relationship In Romans 12:8 it says â€Å"he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he shows mercy, with cheerfulness.† What that verse is saying to all Christians is that our ethic is based all on love. We as humans know that relationships very confusing and are hardest part of life. We all have a sin against own bodies and souls, but it is a sin that is against others who were created in God’s image. If you are going to steal from your neighbor you might as well steal from God. We were all created in his image and we need to love and respect others just like we would God. Culture Paul says in Romans 11 that God will save some in Israel because most of them were elect by the Patriarchs. Romans 12 says as Christians we are to live as a living sacrifice to Christ, while doing all these thing in love and showing our love to others through service. We as believers are to be humble and serve others with joy, as believers we are to work with others to Christ’s redemptive work. Christ is merciful, righteous, sovereign, and just God. He wants us to love another like he loves the world. Conclusion â€Å"No power in the sky above or in the earth below- indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord Romans 8:39.† It’s so refreshing to know that I can always count on God to love me. Even when I’m unable to love myself God will. It is a wonderful feeling to know that I can have a relationship with God, where and whatever I do, or say or think will never make him not love me. God will always love and be with me no matter what. God wants us to live for him. He also wants us to lead others to him. References New King James Version Bible (NJKB)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

E-Business Essay Example for Free

E-Business Essay Supply chain management is a battery of procedures that involve planning, executing and organizing the operations of a supply chain (Haag et al. , 2006). Such cluster of procedures covers all activities of the GAP, including management of raw materials, inventory and final products at both the point-of-origin and point-of-consumption. Supply chain management requires the modification of management from a direct individual-based level of performance to an indirect marketing or integration of operations as key processes in the supply chain. One simple example involves the placement of purchase orders by the purchasing department of the company. This is then coupled by the communication of the marketing department with particular distributors and retailers. Such efforts in integrating several processes in order to maximize and speed up a general process may result in an extremely efficient company. The integration of the financing technology and supplier outreach services facilitates reduction in capital requirements and finance costs associated with the clients (Kemp, 2006). The reduction in requirements and costs is attained through indirect and full cyber marketing, which permits retailers and suppliers to register with the website and interactive with the supply chain system. Such technological innovation of doing e-business helps them track down the payments of any transactions completed or still in progress (Timmers, 2000). In addition, suppliers and buyers are able to work in partnership to settle the final price and this is usually done through the receipt of credit memoranda. Such setting facilitates a faster process of trading. The integration of operations enhances the relationship between the supplier and the buyer, regardless of employment, gender and physical backgrounds.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pros and cons of Information technology

Pros and cons of Information technology Introduction: To get an answer to this question we need to formerly understand the pros and cons of information technology. The article published by Nicolas Carr â€Å"IT doesnt matter† does raise a couple of eyebrows, especially of those belonging to the IT sector. But I have had to really understand what his view point is in order to get an answer to this mind boggling question does IT matter? Despite my attempts to understand why according to him IT doesnt matter I can only jump to one conclusion i.e. computers, data storage facilities, data processing facilities, etc are easily available to all. Mr. Carrs point of view is that businesses across the globe are resorting to IT to give them a better edge over one another and thereby spend trillions of dollars over technology that is easily available to all. So there is hardly an â€Å"advantage† that companies have over one another. Mr. Carr does accept that today Information technology has become the backbone of commerce. At all times its tough to intricate a line between where the technology ends and use of it begins. During previous years industries didnt had a systematic approach in some of the technical and financial aspects. One must not forget that a new ray of light has arisen due to the presence of Information Technology in the field of commerce, science, telecommunication, security and different manufacturing processes. Industries could make those products which would meet the demands of international consumers. This would improve the trade relationship among different companies and countries. Nowadays all the work which were done manually have now become computerized. With a single click any customer can place an order for different number of varieties at any place at any given time. Nowadays companies are more dependent on IT fields for protection against vulnerabilities. There are intelligence tools like business intelligence reporting tools that help not only to store and retrieve data ( that account for huge memory spaces that would be nearly impossible to keep track of using the age old technique of accounting manually) but also analyze data and generate reports thereby reducing the load of understanding and analyzing data to make strategic decisions ( companies have merged with IT companies to form a secured data system which would not only protect their data system but also enhances their capability to meet the customer needs. Today businesses race not to come up with intellectual schemes to achieve success but to do so before any body else does. Time is of the essence and that is where IT enters. IT has become a day to day necessity in our life. It has brought a major impact in business and society. It has driven a rising economy to a developed economy. In todays day to day activities personal computers, mobile phones, emails, fax machines and internet has not only become our support system but has also become an integral part of our life ( IT is present everywhere but its important aspects should be harnessed evenly and properly so that it is used to its core. They are present everywhere and become an indispensable commodity of any industry. It plays a key factor in evaluating many of the new technologies assisting new infrastructural projects. IT has not only brought the world closer together, but has permitted the worlds economy to boom. It means that we can share information at high speeds and at high efficient rate, without any linguistic and geographic barriers. All the information can now be shared in a well organized and resourceful manne r interesting jobs. IT plays a very important role in foreign exchange. It acts as a customer relationship manager who tries to solve the problems. FOREX capital markets have arisen due to the presence of IT industry. As the company boasts from 1999 till date it has 15000 clients in over 80 countries and has an average trading volume that exceeds $15billion (OBrien and James, (1936)). Due to continuous efforts and development in the IT field, the companies could easily handle their customers and also the various salespeople who work hard for the company. It tries to manage various aspects of the company even though the company is located in different countries, having linguistic barrier. IT has increased the probability of developing new and innovative jobs. The world has progressed into a global village with the help of information technology which has allowed countries like India and Russia who are separated by time, distance, language and geographic boundaries to disclose ideas, facts and data with each other. Information Technology has helped to communicate at cheaper, faster, and more efficient rate. With the help of video conferencing work can now be completed at home without any wastage of time and money. Text messages have added extra wings to communication which facilitates quick responses. Video conferencing has added a midas touch to the world of communication which by opening up the face to face direct communication facility all round the world ( Information Technology has provided immense help to condense the cultural gap among people belonging to different to communicate with one another thus allowing exchange of thoughts and opinions which results increased awareness and reduced prejudice. Due to computerization, businesses have become lucrative money-spinning machines thus increasing the productivity which results into increase in profits ( This results in increased profitability, productivity, and overall development. This in turn results in pay, enhanced and much better working conditions. It is be because of Information Technology that business are now open 24 x7 all round the world. This means that a business can be open anytime anywhere, making purchases from different countries easier and more convenient. It also means that you can have your goods delivered right to your doorstep with only a click of a button. Amazon and eBay have established themselves as hubs of commerce when it comes to consumer online shopping. They are development activity where openness breeds innovation and innovation generates sales. Its chief technology officer Al Vermeulen says that they think web services feeds directly into making that flywheel spin. It has not only served different purposes of different fields of business but has increased the capability of the companies to be more productive and profitable in terms of market values. They have changed the market rules (OBrien and James (1936)). The best advantage of information technology is the formulation and development of new and interesting jobs. Huge development has been brought in diagnosing disease and damage to the body with the help of body scanners which use software to process the information produced to assist us with maps of body. Experienced doctors train their junior doctors with the aid of new IT technologies. Computers help surgeons to operate effectively and swiftly. Siemens Healthcare provides with efficient and integrated solutions for support processes, from building automation and security to data centres and communication. They are the specialist in the state of the art imaging, laboratory diagnostics and IT solution for an earlier prevention and more specific diagnosis thus enhancing patient care. It ensures security and access control ( Moreover IT plays a very important role in overall development of an economy. IT can change an undulated economy into improved one. According to me IT is not the standard package which has answers to every question you ask. Right amount of planning and forecast is key to success for IT applications. IT has given world the best of its results but it again depends on how you apply to a problem. So in case of IT we have to be double cautions and this is very well explained by Hilton Hotels. Hilton hotel via Texas based Hilton reservation worldwide have developed fastest reservation system. Hilton hotels have more than 2400 hotels located in 65 countries and Hilton worldwide reservation (HRW) handles around 31 million call and generate more than 9 million reservation annually. And the amazing fact about this system is despite of this incredible volume the average reservation time in just two minutes. Information Technology has given this level of efficiency and customer service. How this amazing system works, well when there is a call to HRW through dialled number identification services it is identified that customer is call ing. Immediately call is then transferred to reservation specialist who uses Hilton hotel room availability information. The information regarding the availability of room is displayed on the specialists desktop as the call is transferred. Then if customer is demanding some other place the specialist can click online screen button to start a search. Within seconds specialist can scan through entire database of Hilton property. Further innovative application is automated reservation system. In this there is interactive voice response system. Once the agent is finished with the reservation then call is transferred to IVR. In interactive voice response system customer hear back and confirms his reservation. Due to this outstanding customer service system Hilton hotel are among the top guns in the market (OBrien and James,(1936)). Most civil engineers practice in specialized subsets of civil engineering, such as geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, transportation engineering, hydraulic engineering, environmental engineering and land surveying ( A number of new software tools are available relating to the different specialized disciplines. Some software houses have attempted to provide design software catering for the variety of infrastructure design fields in an integrated manner for example: Civil Designer which uses the AllyCAD CAD engine or VisionCivil which uses AutoCAD and MicroStation. Allycad is a CAD software application for 2D design and drafting. It is developed by Knowledge Base and is used internationally. It was originally developed by Paul Harper. Microstation is the technique used by many of the international companies to design structures of national and geographic importance. Infrastructure design relies heavily on estimates of load, pressure, drainage and flow. Different software packages rely on different formulae and theories as the basis for these calculations. Popular storm drainage simulation models include for example the Rational Method, ILLUDAS, SWMM and HYMO all of which have their own proponents and associated academic debates ( Examples of how companies have used Information technology to develop competitive strategies. Strategy company Strategic use of IT Business Benefits. Cost Leadership Dell Computers Online Build to order lower cost producer Priceline. Com Online seller bidding buyer-set pricing Online auction Auction -set prices. Innovation AVENT Marshall Customer/suppler Increase in market share Moen Inc. Online customer design Increase in market share Growth Citi Group Global Intranet. Increase in global market Toys ‘R Us Inc. POS inventory tracking Market leadership Alliance Cisco systems virtually manufacturing Agile market leadership Alliances While Information Technology has outshined the business process it has also created job cutting, downsizing and outsourcing. It has immensely affected the middle and lower level thus creating more unemployment. Wal-Mart introduced RFID technology, RFID means Radio Frequency Identification. It is a data carrying and automatic identification technology used throughout industry. Information about an item is stored in the RFID tag which is attached to that item. RFID tag is just like a data carrier, just as some as that of a bar code. Data carried by the barcode is scanner with the help of an optical or infrared wavelength. RFID reader emits radio waves which activates the tag. Wireless communication takes place with the tag known as air-interface. Importance feature of an RFID system is it does not require any tag or label to read its stored data. It enhances customer service, employer safety and enhances productivity of a company. It is very helpful in medical field too. Wrist tag ens ures complete accuracy to identify patience. But this technology has created a huge lot of unemployment. Many of the working lower class employees would have been affected in negative manner because of this technology. From mobile phone signal interceptions to email hacking, people are now worried about their once private information becoming public knowledge. Industry experts believe that the internet has made job security a big issue as since technology keeps on changing with each day. It means that one has to keep himself/herself updated with the latest technology in order to keep his or her job secured ( But over usage of IT management becomes tedious tiresome. Even though information is readily available, confidential matters can be assessed unless they are properly password protected. IT leads to unemployment due to downsizing outsourcing. IT leads to tampering of many private issues which has to be kept away from light. Privacy issues are of major concern due to rise in growth of technology. Hacking of email, breach of security are major issues due to advancement in information technology. IT leads to lack of job security. Due to hardware failure economies can be affected negatively. It may result in failure of stock markets ( Internet often results in breaching of copyright. Nowadays viruses are spread via internet. Pornographic issues are of serious concern. It only affects a person physically but mentally too. It disturbs normal Most of the viruses get transferred via e-mails or when certain information is downloaded. These viruses damage many of the important documents which are of utmost importance. Collecting information from internet wastes a lot of time. Conclusion: In conclusion, I believe that Mr. Nicholas Carr to some extent does believe that the advantages I stated with regard to IT are noteworthy and something that are the most desired technologies. But what I seem to understand is that he is neither upset with the innovations in information technology nor with the fact that IT has helped make businesses go global but with the inability of these technologies to remain exclusive to companies that make use of them. Also I believe that today e-commerce has reached a point of no return. And as much as some companies believe that they need to stop spending extravagantly on software the fear of lagging behind or being out of the race to become the numero uno prevents them from doing so. It has become more like â€Å"if you cant beat `em join `em† Personally. I personal feel that there is lot of room for the development of IT in most of the developing country. In India still we have to struggle a lot with our daily chores. Forgive me for s ounding too dramatic when I say this, but the process for doing these chores meant standing and waiting in long queues in the hot sun for a minimum of 3 hours before I could reach the counter and there were one too many times when the counter would close for lunch the instant it would be my turn. But net banking has made this phase of my life disappear. Now my bills are paid, tickets are booked within minutes and I dont have to bother about what is happening at the back-end. As a student I could learn more about this institute and apply here which was also possible thanks to the internet. Gaming, entertainment, chatting, video conferencing with my family back home have helped me feel slightly less homesick. It could be that I cannot or probably do not want relate to Mr. Nicolas Carrs point of view for my own selfish reasons and so for me on a very personal level IT does matter†¦ Reference: OBrien and James (1936) Management Information systems -8th edition-Boston, London: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2008. [Accessed:16 November 2009] [Accessed:15 November 2009] Carr Nicolas G. (2003) ‘IT Doesnt Matter, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 81 Issue 5, May, Pages 41 49. Brown John Seely (2003) ‘Does IT Matter?, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 81 Issue7,July, Pages 109-112.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Evaluation of a Psychodynamic Theory of Personality Development Essay

Evaluation of a Psychodynamic Theory of Personality Development The basis of Freud's psychoanalytic theory was that the mind contained three parts: The Id, Ego, and Superego. He argued that the Id controlled the primal instincts such as aggression and sexual desire ('libido'), and was found in the unconscious mind. Its purpose is to gain immediate gratification, according to the 'pleasure principle'. The Id, he said, was in competition with the ego. This is because the ego, working on the reality principle, is the more rational, and conscious mind. The superego oversees the Id and ego, and creates the sense of what is right and wrong. Freud believed that the Id was innate, that the Ego developed by the age of 2, and the superego by the age of 5. This aspect of Freud's theory is supported by research carried out by Dr. Solms. In his study, PET scans illustrated that during REM sleep (where the participant was dreaming), brain activity in the limbic system (the part of the brain that controls emotions, senses and long-term m...

Friendship Essay: My Best Friend -- friendship essay, my best friend

She doesn’t know this, but she changed my life. She was there for me when it seemed like no one else was. When most of my friends were dissolving around me and I just didn’t feel like I could do anything right, she was there, and she made everything seem okay. It didn’t matter that I was inevitably going to graduate with a GPA a tenth of a point lower than I wanted, or that my director told me that he was disappointed in me because I just didn’t seem focused lately, or that my other friends just weren’t talking to me anymore. It didn’t matter because she was there and she made me feel safe. She’s my best friend, and I love her and admire her for so many different reasons. It seems that, no matter the situation, she knows exactly what will brighten my mood, whether it’s an hour-long venting session, a frozen yogurt run or sitting around a fire making s’mores. She has the incredible ability to make me laugh even when it seems impossible, through sometimes impractical means, like throwing marshmallows across the room or telling goofy made-up stories that may or may not be relevant to t...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Death and the Regeneration of Life :: essays research papers

Death and the Regeneration of Life Death and the Regeneration of Life written by Maurice Bloch and Jonathan Parry focuses on the significance of symbols of fertility and rebirth in funeral rituals. Their book includes many theories that anthropologist have studied with the idea of life and death. The idea of death and the regeneration of life changes with each culture and tradition. Everyone has his or her own opinion of how it shall work. With the help of many contributors to the book, one is able to read the different types of ways some cultures value their own rituals. The notions of fertility and sexuality often have a considerable prominence in funeral practices. These practices have excited the attention of anthropologists for almost one hundred years. It all began with Swiss anthropologist Bachofen in 1859. Bachofen was one of the first anthropologists to focus any attention on mortuary symbolism. In 1859, he published his first book Versuch uber Grabsymbolik der Alten, meaning "An essay on ancient mortuary symbolism" (1). He focused most of his study with the Greek and Roman symbolism, particularly as manifested in the Dionysian and Orphic mystery cults. He started by studying the significance of eggs as symbols of fertility and femininity in Roman tombs and in funerary games. Each of the eggs was painted half-black and half-white, representing the passage of night and day and the re-birth of life after death (1). After Bachofen's study he believed that, "The funeral rite glorifies nature as a whole, with its twofold life and de ath giving principle†¦That is why the symbols of life are so frequent in the tomb." (1). After Bachofen's studies, many other writers and anthropologists began to study his themes and other themes related to the topic. For example, J. Frazer took Bachofen's ideas and looked more at the materials of ancient mystery cults. His question was, "How could killing be a rite of fertility and renewal, and in particular how does the killing of a divine king help regenerate the fertility of the community?" With questions similar to Frazer's, other anthropologists have questioned themselves all the time. Many could not understand the theme of life and death. For many years, anthropologists would take works from others and try to combine them to make them more understandable. With all the different essays written throughout of the years, one is now able to compare the differences between death related practices in different societies.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Criticism on the Poem Do Not Go Gentle

The first poem that Dylan Thomas ever published, when he was only eighteen, was an early version of â€Å"And Death Shall Have No Dominion. † The cycle of life and death formed a constant underlying theme throughout his poetry since that earliest effort. In â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night,† a moving plea to his dying father, death takes on a new and intensely personal meaning for Thomas. David John Thomas was an important influence throughout his son Dylan’s life. A grammar school English teacher, he had a deep love for language and literature which he passed on to his son. In a 1933 letter to a friend, Dylan Thomas describes the library he shared with his father in their home. His father’s section held the classics, while his included modern poetry. It had, according to Thomas, everything needed in a library. â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night† was in all likelihood composed in 1945 when D. J. Thomas was seriously ill; however, it was not published until after his death on December 16, 1952. Thomas sent the poem to a friend, Princess Caetani, in the spring of 1951, telling her that the â€Å"only person I can’t show the little enclosed poem to is, of course, my father who doesn’t know he’s dying. After his father’s death, the poem was included in the collection In Country Sleep. Ironically Dylan Thomas himself died just a year later. The poem discusses various ways to approach death in old age. It advocates affirming life up until the last breath, rather than learning to accept death quietly. Poem Summary Lines 1-3 The first tercet introduces the poem’s theme; it also introduces the two recurring refrains that end alternate stanzas. Although these two lines, the first and the third, both state Thomas’s basic theme about resisting death, they contrast in several ways. Each of the predominant words in line one finds its opposite in line three. â€Å"Gentle† is paired with â€Å"rage,† â€Å"good† with â€Å"dying,† and â€Å"night† with â€Å"light. † The tone of the two lines also is quite different. Line one is subdued; the verbs are deliberately simple, vague. Thomas uses the predicate adjective â€Å"gentle,† making it describe the personality of the individual, rather than the more obvious choice â€Å"gently,† an adverb which would only refer to the action of the verb. â€Å"Good night† when it refers to dying becomes a paradox for Thomas, meaning a good death. Although this line may be an exhortation to resist death, its entire tone is gentle. Compare this to the beginning of line 3 where â€Å"rage† is repeated twice. Here the poet urges a furious resistance to death. The second line introduces Thomas’s advice to those who near death. The idea of burning is frequently associated with the passion of youth; however, Thomas wants the elderly to cling as passionately to their lives as anyone would. The phrase â€Å"close of day† establishes a connection with the â€Å"good night† of the previous line, while the words â€Å"burn† and â€Å"rave† move the reader into the third line of the stanza. Line 4 The next four stanzas describe four different types of old men and examine their attitudes and feelings as they realize that death is approaching. The first type Thomas mentions are the wise men. They may be considered scholars or philosophers. Perhaps because of this, intellectually they accept the inevitability of death. Thomas begins the line with the word â€Å"though,† however, to indicate that their knowledge has not prepared them to accept the reality of death. Line 5 This line explains why the wise men are unable to act in accordance with their knowledge. Scholars are known and measured by their words. These men have many words still left unwritten or unspoken, so their goals have not been accomplished. Thomas ends this line in mid-thought, leaving the rest of the idea to the next line. This parallels the unfulfilled lives of the wise men, with their messages only partially delivered. Line 6 In many villanelles, the refrains simply serve as a chorus. Here, Thomas makes it an integral part of the meaning of the stanza. Lines 7-8 â€Å"Good† seems to be used in a moral sense here, describing men who have lived worthy, acceptable lives. The phrase â€Å"last wave† presents readers with a dual image. The men themselves are a last wave, the last to approach death; they also seem to be giving a final wave to those who they are leaving behind. â€Å"Crying,† as well, has two meanings here. In one sense, it simply means speaking out, but it also carries the sense of weeping and mourning. Like the wise men, the good men have not accomplished what they wished to in life. Their actions failed to stand out. Thomas uses rhyme for different purposes here. Rhyming â€Å"bright† at the end of line 7 with â€Å"might† in line 8 erves to emphasize both words and link the two stanzas. Also, the rhyming of â€Å"by,† â€Å"crying,† and â€Å"dying† unites this stanza, while the use of â€Å"deeds† and â€Å"danced† is an example of alliteration. Line 9 The intensity of the refrain contrasts with the nature of the good men as Thomas has presented them. They seem passive, their actions weak. Now at the end of life, they must finally behave passionately, finally be noticed. Lines 10-12 Thomas’s wild men are very different from the good, quiet men in the previous stanzas.  The image, â€Å"caught and sang the sun,† is joyous and powerful when compared to frail deeds. These men have lived live fully, not realizing that they, too, will age and die. Since Thomas himself cultivated an image as a wild Celtic bard, this stanza seems ironically prophetic about his own death. Line 13 The word â€Å"grave† carries two meanings here: seriousness and death. These are the men of understanding; paradoxically, although they are blind, they are able to see more clearly than those with sight. Lines 14-15 The mentions of blindness are references to his father. Thomas spoke of this blindness again in the unfinished elegy he wrote after his father’s death, describing him as: Too proud to die, broken and blind he died †¦ An old kind man brave in his burning pride. In this stanza, Thomas contrasts light and dark imagery; for instance, the term â€Å"grave† is countered by â€Å"gay,† just as â€Å"blind† is contrasted with â€Å"sight. † Lines 16-17 While the last stanza referred to Thomas’s father only obliquely, this stanza is addressed to him. The â€Å"sad height† refers to his closeness to death. There are Biblical overtones to Thomas’s request in line 17, as he asks for a final blessing or curse; the patriarchs delivered such parting messages to their sons. As in many Bible verses, with their parallel structure, blessings and curses are paired together. If this line is read as iambic pentameter, however, the emphasis will fall on the words, â€Å"bless† and â€Å"now. † The image of â€Å"fierce tears† shows contrast: the tears acknowledging the inevitability of death, while the use of â€Å"fierce† indicates resistance until the end. â€Å"I pray† reinforces the Biblical imagery; however, the prayer is addressed to his father, the agnostic, rather than God.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Relationship between Psychological Properties and Physical Properties According to Physicalism Essay

Physicalism refers to a stand by some philosophers that everything in the world is physical. Physicalism in some cases is referred to as materialism, where everything is viewed to have physical properties. With respect to philosophy, Physicalism is the ontological point of view that there is nothing above and over the physical. Physicalists view the nature or the world as one and believe that everything including mind has physical properties and thus it is physical. In the attempt to prove their view of the world, Physicalists has come up with diverse explanation to bring out the relationship that exists between different aspects of nature including psychological states and properties. To understand the relationship between physical properties and mental properties, realization, reductive and supervenience ideas have been used by the physicalists. However, critics argue that physicalism is a false view of nature. This research paper will seek to determine the relationship that exists between psychological states or properties and physical properties according to Physicalism. In addition, the paper will bring into light reasons behind this relationship. Relationship between psychological properties and physical properties according to PhysicalismIn the attempt to bring out the relationship between the physical properties and psychological properties, philosophers such as Lewis used supervenience approach. This approach is simply based on meta-ethics and indicates that physical properties and mental properties are closely related due to the fact that psychological properties are part of the physical properties (Daniel, 2010). In other words, philosophers assert that psychological properties such as thinking are enclosed by physical properties. To make the argument certain, philosophers such as Lewis give an example where he refers dots on a picture as physical properties and claims that the picture is like the global features or the world. The same way he affirms that psychological properties and other properties including biological properties are like dots on the global features. Supervenience idea of the explaining physicalism ass erts that psychological properties are nothing but simply physical properties (Kim, 2008). Psychological or mental properties such as pain are viewed as physical according to physicalists as they believe that the physical aspect of pain is casually closed by the major physical properties. According to Kim, (2008), supervenience tries to bring out the identical aspect between the physical properties and psychological properties. The fact that psychological or mental properties are part of physical properties indicates similarity according to the physicalists (Daniel, 2010). This is particularly supported by the general view of physicalism that the world is a single stuff. According to the physicalists, mental or psychological properties are dependant to physical properties and thus there can not be physical difference without psychological difference. Simply, psychological properties supervene on material properties and thus they are just but the same thing. According to Physicalism, physical properties can be reduced to mental or psychological properties. The notion of reductive by the physicalism brings out the relationship between mental properties and physical properties (Kim, 2008). Essentially, physicalists use reductive idea to ascertain their idea that the world is made of a single stuff that is physical properties only. Physicalism philosophers affirms that there is a close relationship between physical properties and psychological or mental properties particularly basing their argument that mental properties are smaller components of physical properties and thus are physical properties. Realization theory is another approach used by the physicalism to bring out possible relations between psychological or mental properties and physical properties (Daniel, 2010). Based on this theory, all psychological properties can be realized through a particular physical basis (Kim, 2008). In a philosophical perspective, physicalists argue that all physical properties or predicates can be traced or are definable in physical language. This implies that there is a close relation between the two and according to physicalism they are inseparable (Daniel, 2010). Physicalists affirms that the fact that physical properties can be reduced to mental or psychological properties implies that the two are identical and simply has a close relationship. Physicalism believes that everything inside the world has physical properties and the world itself is a physical thing in its own nature. The developed understanding from this argument is that everything considered as physical thing has its own physical properties which in reality has its own psychological properties. This claim can be explained further by application of ontological perspective which involves both methodological and epistemological corollaries. According to the Physicalists, every object in the world is composed of different material which in reality encompasses different physical properties (Kim, 2011). Therefore, physical properties exhibit different properties such as mass, shape volume, energy, temperature and volume among others. In reference to the reductive physicalism, objects with high levels of properties are more reducible hence there is a high chance that they have physical properties. Jackson (2002) affirms that physicalism is more dependent on philosoph ical position which presents a myth that everything that exists in the earth has physical properties. From this explanation the understanding developed is that physicalism is closely associated with philosophy of mind which extensively believes that mind is a physical object which can be viewed at different perspectives (Kim, 2011). In reference to physical science point of view, physicalism includes bigger notations as opposed to just matter, space energy and time. The mind being in a form of a physical world, it is closely associated with non reductive physicalism. Fodor in his own research argues that physicalism is dependent will all genuine items which can be referred to either identical or are dependent upon other physical properties (Clarke, 2003). In order to accept these believe of physicalism, it vital to understand how it is related with mind dualism rejection. According to Fodor, â€Å"mentalism† is the best alternative of the dualism. Basically, physicalism believes that the concept of the consciousness is entirely dependent of the physical properties (Clarke, 2003). The state of the mind is a functional that exists in a given system. In relation to the theory of functionalism, brain is extensively believed to be a just biological implementation in a given system. The general understanding it , that the brain has capacity to recognize any change in mental status. Dualism theory is quite different from physicalism because it argues that consciousness is not related to the physical. According to Savellos and YalcÃŒ §in, (1995), panpsychism theory explains that all items which contain aspects of reality within themselves have psychological properties in additional to their physical properties. Critics argue that hardcore physicalists are more concerned to investigate the structure of the outer world in the bid of trying to understand the build relationship between the physical properties and psychological properties. Ultimately, the physical properties and mental are two distinctive area but they are contingently connected with each other. Philosophically, mind is believed to be dependent on the physical properties. Therefore, based with the explanation of the physicalism the empirical world is composed of all properties or entities which have effects of causes. Notably, both mental facts and physical have a close relationship with physicalism in relation to mental effects and causes. According to many physicalists the world in general is a physical hence everyth ing in it have its own physical properties. When reviewing the world at a supervenience base, it helps to reflect the general thinking of the physicalists. This implies that the relationship between of fundamental physical properties and psychological properties are closely dependent on each other as per the explanation of Physicalism (Clarke, 2003). The two features have the common bond of metaphysics because they are depending on certain established physical facts. Conclusion                     From the above discussion, it is evident that Physicalism extensively refers to a developed understanding by some philosophers who believe that everything in the world is physical hence have its own physical properties. In addition, Physicalism can also be referred to as materialism, where everything is viewed to have physical properties. Psychological or mental properties such as pain are viewed as physical according to physicalists as they believe that the physical aspect of pain is casually closed by the major physical properties. Therefore, this is an indication that the state of the mind is a functional that exists in a given system. References Clarke, R. (2003). Libertarian accounts of free will. Oxford [u.a.: Oxford University Press. Daniel .S. (2010). Physicalism, New Problems of Philosophy. RoutledgeJackson, F. (2002). Mind, Method and Conditionals: Selected Papers. Routledge, 2002 Kim, J. (2008). Physicalism, or Something Near Enough. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Kim, J. (2011). Philosophy of Mind., Limited, 2011 Savellos, E. E., & YalcÃŒ §in, U. D. (1995). Supervenience: New essays. Cambridge [England: Cambridge University Press. Source document

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Role Played by Socialisation in Shaping Human Behaviour Has Been Overstated.’ Assess This Claim

Common sources of conflict – Conflict is an inevitable part of human relationships. Where commitment to mission and long hours with minimal resources intersect, nonprofit workplaces can be rife with conflict interchanges. Conflict can arise from managing differing perspectives and seemingly incompatible concerns. If we can accept it as a natural part of our emotional landscape, it can be easier to work with than if we expect (or wish! ) conflict to disappear and never resurface.As a manager, it is important to be able to identify and to understand the varying levels of conflicts and how these levels are manifested in different ways. An early sign of conflict is that â€Å"nagging feeling† or tension you feel, indicating that something is brewing under the surface. Pay attention to non-verbal behaviours such as crossed-arms, eyes lowered or someone sitting back or away from you or the group. These signs can provide you with important information about your current situat ion and can help you in assessing your next steps.If these signs are not dealt with in a timely manner, this sense of apprehension can shift to another level of conflict and can be manifested more directly with opposition and conviction. This aspect of conflict is addressed in more depth in the sections below. More often than not, these early warning signs are a part of a larger web of dynamics present in your organization. As part of our analysis, it is helpful to understand the source of potential conflict. Below are some common sources of conflict: Conflict type | Description |Values conflict| Involves incompatibility of preferences, principles and practices that people believe in such as religion, ethics or politics. | Power conflict | Occurs when each party wishes to maintain or maximize the amount of influence that it exerts in the relationship and the social setting such as in a decision making process. | Economic conflict | Involves competing to attain scarce resources such as monetary or human resources. | Interpersonal conflict | Occurs when two people or more have incompatible needs, goals, or approaches in their relationship such as different communication or work styles. Organizational conflict | Involves inequalities in the organizational chart and how employees report to one another. | Environmental conflict | Involves external pressures outside of the organization such as a recession, a changing government, or a high employment rate. | Once you know more about where the conflict stems from, you will be better equipped to address it. A variety of factors influence when and how conflict will surface. To get the bigger picture, consider all the sources above before taking action.Now, we will look at the various ways in which we can respond and manage conflict. Understanding conflict styles – A first step in dealing with conflict is to discover your preferred conflict style(s) and subsequently, learn how to manage a variety of situations usi ng different approaches. These styles have two basic dimensions: Assertiveness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy one's own concerns. This dimension is also correlated to attaining one's goals, Cooperativeness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy the other individual's concerns.This dimension can also be tracked as being concerned with relationships. A combination of these dimensions results in five conflict behaviours: 1. Competing 2. Accommodating 3. Avoiding 4. Collaborating 5. Compromising Each style is appropriate in particular contexts and learning how to be strategic when approaching conflict is ideal. Accommodating – The accommodating style is unassertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to yield. Typically a person using this conflict mode neglects his or her needs to satisfy the concerns of the other person.There is an element of self-sacrifice and this stance is concerned with preserving the relationship versus attaining goals. The mode is also known as an appeasement or smoothing style and is the opposite of competing. Competing – The Competing style is a power-oriented mode that is high in assertiveness and low in cooperativeness. The goal of this stance is to win. In this mode the individual aims to pursue one's agenda at another's expense. This may mean standing up for one's needs, defending a cherished position and/or simply trying to win. The goal is deemed very important.This style is also referred to as a forcing or dominant style. Avoiding – The avoiding style is both unassertive and uncooperative. The goal of this stance is to delay. In this mode an individual does not immediately pursue his or her concerns or those of another. There is indifference to the outcome to the issue and the relationship and the person withdraws or postpones dealing with the conflict. This style can provide a needed respite from the situation or it can inflame things if the issue keeps being pushed aside. This mode is also known as flight. CollaborateThe collaborating style is both assertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to find a win-win situation. Typically this mode is concerned with finding creative solutions to issues that satisfy both individual's concerns. Learning, listening and attending to both the organizational and personal issues are addressed with this conflict style. It takes time and effort. This mode is also known as a problem solving or integrative style and it is the opposite of avoiding. Compromise The compromising style lands one right in the middle of being assertive and cooperative.The goal of this stance is to find a quick middle ground. Parties find an expedient, mutually acceptable solution by having each person give up something and split the difference. This mode is also known as sharing. Dealing with difficult people When working in a group, there may be times when you will have to work with a difficult person. Often times, this person is no t aware of his or her impact on the group or the implications of his or her actions on others. Depending on the perspective, everyone has been viewed at one time or another, as a difficult person.Everybody has the capacity to be both productive and problematic in the workplace. It is all in how you view the situation. With a simple change in perspective, your experience with a difficult person can change from a situation that is happening to you to a possibly enriching learning experience. If you are experiencing a strong reaction to another person, there are two elements you need to consider: you and the other person. First, start with yourself. It is essential to understand why you are reacting to that person and the possible strategies you can use to address the situation.For example, a preferred conflict style can be exacerbated by a particular method of communication. If you have a tendency to avoid conflicts, are emails the only way you solve issues at the office? Or do you fi nd yourself saying things on email that you would never say in person. Many of us can hide behind our computers or take on a bolder, more aggressive persona. In essence, change your behaviour to work effectively with someone. There are many ways in which to communicate with your colleagues – face to face meetings, phone calls, e-mails, video conferencing etc. he possibilities are limitless. When working with a difficult person, begin to locate the problem inside yourself. Dr. Ronald Short, in his book, Learning in Relationship, states: â€Å"The impact someone has on us (feeling and thoughts we have inside) is our responsibility. To understand impact, we need to look at ourselves – not judge others† (1998). Remember, as a rule (and this is easier said than done), try not to take things personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a direct reflection of what is happening inside of this person. The Role Played by Socialisation in Shaping Human Behaviour Has Been Overstated.’ Assess This Claim Common sources of conflict – Conflict is an inevitable part of human relationships. Where commitment to mission and long hours with minimal resources intersect, nonprofit workplaces can be rife with conflict interchanges. Conflict can arise from managing differing perspectives and seemingly incompatible concerns. If we can accept it as a natural part of our emotional landscape, it can be easier to work with than if we expect (or wish! ) conflict to disappear and never resurface.As a manager, it is important to be able to identify and to understand the varying levels of conflicts and how these levels are manifested in different ways. An early sign of conflict is that â€Å"nagging feeling† or tension you feel, indicating that something is brewing under the surface. Pay attention to non-verbal behaviours such as crossed-arms, eyes lowered or someone sitting back or away from you or the group. These signs can provide you with important information about your current situat ion and can help you in assessing your next steps.If these signs are not dealt with in a timely manner, this sense of apprehension can shift to another level of conflict and can be manifested more directly with opposition and conviction. This aspect of conflict is addressed in more depth in the sections below. More often than not, these early warning signs are a part of a larger web of dynamics present in your organization. As part of our analysis, it is helpful to understand the source of potential conflict. Below are some common sources of conflict: Conflict type | Description |Values conflict| Involves incompatibility of preferences, principles and practices that people believe in such as religion, ethics or politics. | Power conflict | Occurs when each party wishes to maintain or maximize the amount of influence that it exerts in the relationship and the social setting such as in a decision making process. | Economic conflict | Involves competing to attain scarce resources such as monetary or human resources. | Interpersonal conflict | Occurs when two people or more have incompatible needs, goals, or approaches in their relationship such as different communication or work styles. Organizational conflict | Involves inequalities in the organizational chart and how employees report to one another. | Environmental conflict | Involves external pressures outside of the organization such as a recession, a changing government, or a high employment rate. | Once you know more about where the conflict stems from, you will be better equipped to address it. A variety of factors influence when and how conflict will surface. To get the bigger picture, consider all the sources above before taking action.Now, we will look at the various ways in which we can respond and manage conflict. Understanding conflict styles – A first step in dealing with conflict is to discover your preferred conflict style(s) and subsequently, learn how to manage a variety of situations usi ng different approaches. These styles have two basic dimensions: Assertiveness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy one's own concerns. This dimension is also correlated to attaining one's goals, Cooperativeness, which relates to behaviours intended to satisfy the other individual's concerns.This dimension can also be tracked as being concerned with relationships. A combination of these dimensions results in five conflict behaviours: 1. Competing 2. Accommodating 3. Avoiding 4. Collaborating 5. Compromising Each style is appropriate in particular contexts and learning how to be strategic when approaching conflict is ideal. Accommodating – The accommodating style is unassertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to yield. Typically a person using this conflict mode neglects his or her needs to satisfy the concerns of the other person.There is an element of self-sacrifice and this stance is concerned with preserving the relationship versus attaining goals. The mode is also known as an appeasement or smoothing style and is the opposite of competing. Competing – The Competing style is a power-oriented mode that is high in assertiveness and low in cooperativeness. The goal of this stance is to win. In this mode the individual aims to pursue one's agenda at another's expense. This may mean standing up for one's needs, defending a cherished position and/or simply trying to win. The goal is deemed very important.This style is also referred to as a forcing or dominant style. Avoiding – The avoiding style is both unassertive and uncooperative. The goal of this stance is to delay. In this mode an individual does not immediately pursue his or her concerns or those of another. There is indifference to the outcome to the issue and the relationship and the person withdraws or postpones dealing with the conflict. This style can provide a needed respite from the situation or it can inflame things if the issue keeps being pushed aside. This mode is also known as flight. CollaborateThe collaborating style is both assertive and cooperative. The goal of this stance is to find a win-win situation. Typically this mode is concerned with finding creative solutions to issues that satisfy both individual's concerns. Learning, listening and attending to both the organizational and personal issues are addressed with this conflict style. It takes time and effort. This mode is also known as a problem solving or integrative style and it is the opposite of avoiding. Compromise The compromising style lands one right in the middle of being assertive and cooperative.The goal of this stance is to find a quick middle ground. Parties find an expedient, mutually acceptable solution by having each person give up something and split the difference. This mode is also known as sharing. Dealing with difficult people When working in a group, there may be times when you will have to work with a difficult person. Often times, this person is no t aware of his or her impact on the group or the implications of his or her actions on others. Depending on the perspective, everyone has been viewed at one time or another, as a difficult person.Everybody has the capacity to be both productive and problematic in the workplace. It is all in how you view the situation. With a simple change in perspective, your experience with a difficult person can change from a situation that is happening to you to a possibly enriching learning experience. If you are experiencing a strong reaction to another person, there are two elements you need to consider: you and the other person. First, start with yourself. It is essential to understand why you are reacting to that person and the possible strategies you can use to address the situation.For example, a preferred conflict style can be exacerbated by a particular method of communication. If you have a tendency to avoid conflicts, are emails the only way you solve issues at the office? Or do you fi nd yourself saying things on email that you would never say in person. Many of us can hide behind our computers or take on a bolder, more aggressive persona. In essence, change your behaviour to work effectively with someone. There are many ways in which to communicate with your colleagues – face to face meetings, phone calls, e-mails, video conferencing etc. he possibilities are limitless. When working with a difficult person, begin to locate the problem inside yourself. Dr. Ronald Short, in his book, Learning in Relationship, states: â€Å"The impact someone has on us (feeling and thoughts we have inside) is our responsibility. To understand impact, we need to look at ourselves – not judge others† (1998). Remember, as a rule (and this is easier said than done), try not to take things personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a direct reflection of what is happening inside of this person.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Jacobean Reading of King Lear Essay

King Lear was written around 1603-06. A contextualised political reading interprets King Lear as a drama that gives expression to crucial political and social issues of its time: the hierarchy of the Jacobean state, King James’ belief in his divine right to rule, and the political anxieties that characterised the end of Queen Elizabeth’s reign: fears of civil war and division of the kingdom triggered by growth of conflicting fractions and a threatening underclass. Like all writers, Shakespeare reflected the world he knew. The ancient Britain the pseudo-historical Lear lived in contained anachronistic references to aspects of Jacobean life, such as eel pies and toasted cheese. Kent calls Oswald a ‘base football player’, evoking the class assumptions of the times. More significantly, King Lear reveals the conditions and preoccupations of Jacobean England in terms of politics, social change, justice, religion, madness, and the natural order. Politics Watching the play, Jacobean audiences would detect many resonances with their own socio-political climate: troubled and uncertain times as Elizabeth’s reign draws to a close and James ascends the throne – as the Tudor dynasty gave way to the Stuarts. Poverty, food shortages and unemployment were commonplace; Bedlam beggars were troublesome, roaming the countryside pleading for charity. These social features are explored by Shakespeare via Lear’s madness and the character of Edgar-turned-poor-Tom. The Cordelia-led French invasion may have sparked memory of the Spanish Armada of 1588. Lear’s character contains parallels to King James’s. James, like Lear, believed in his own divine right to rule, and deemed it blasphemous to question the King’s action. The divine right of the King was the prevailing sentiment reinforced by law, and Lear’s unwitting decision to abdicate  ruptures the divine and natural order Shakespeare makes subtle allusions to James’ profligate behaviour – which held significance for Jacobean audiences. James had proved susceptible to the flattery of ambitious courtiers. Lear’s belated recognition of the conventions, flatteries, and corruptions by which he has long been deceived provides sharp reminder to James that a king is only man like other, subject to the same human frailties: â€Å"they told me I was everything; ’tis a lie, I am not ague-proof.† James, with his intention to unite England and Scotland, would have welcomed the play as a validation of his unionist views. The doomed Lear shown to have â€Å"divided in three our kingdom†; this brusque cutting-up of a kingdom would have appalled the audience (who would share Kent’s horror), warning against partitioning of a state. Monarchs have a sacred duty to keep their kingdom intact, it was a sin to abdicate or divide their country. The divided coronet is a striking visual image, symbolising the political dysfunction, chaos, civil war and personal tragedy that follows the division of the kingdom. Social Change Both Lear and James rules societies characterised by its distinct hierarchical order – but also in the process of social change. A stable feudal society wit its strong allegiances and rigid hierarchy had crumbled in the wake of new scientific discoveries and global exploration. Increasing wealth from commerce fostered new ideas about value and status, as James made social mobility a reality with the selling of knighthoods for cash. A prosperous commercial gentry challenged the King’s power and divided the aristocracy, giving rise to difference political fractions – reflect in the rivalry between Albany and Cornwall. Newly acquired power and property gave rise to a new kind of individual – those who felt no obligation to the old feudal loyalties, filled with the spirit of radical individualism, driven by self-interest. Edmund,  Gloucester’s unscrupulous illegitimate son, refuses to â€Å"stand in the plague of custom† and seeks to thrive by his own cunning – mocking the superstitious beliefs of his father (an upholder of the old feudal loyalty to the king). Another is the corrupt, self-serving Oswald, who is ridiculed by the nobleman Kent. But he represents the emerging class of thrusting individualists in Jacobean England, motivated by self-interest, not loyalty to the traditional order. In their acquisitiveness, Goneril, Regan and Edmund flaunt the â€Å"offices of nature, bonds of childhood, effects of courtesy, dues of gratitude† within the old order of human relationships. Social Preoccupations/Values: How Jacobeans would have responded to these themes/motifs Justice – King Lear reflects the passionate interest of the Jacobeans in justice – both process of law (human justice) and justice meted out by gods (divine justice). The play’s many trials would strike a familiar chord in its contemporaries. There are five trials: 1. Love trial 2. Trial of Kent, whose bluntness earns him instant punishment 3. Improper trial of Gloucester by Cornwall and Regan 4. Lear’s hallucinated ‘mock trial’ of Goneril and Regan 5. Trial by combat where Edmund is destroyed. In each case, the play raises questions as to whether justice has been done. In his madness, Lear becomes obsessed with bringing his daughters to justice, while losing faith in human justice, asking â€Å"which is the justice,  which is the thief?† He reveals the inherent hypocrisy in judgement itself as he imagines a beadle (Jacobean figure of legal authority) punishing a whore despite how he â€Å"hotly lusts to use her in that kind for which thou whippst her†. The concluding lines â€Å"through tattered clothes great vices do appear: Robes and furred gowns hide all† – is a damning indictment of human justice, where possession of power is more important than fairness, where the fallibility of judgement present itself as a searing criticism of Jacobean society. Divine justice, although unmotivated by tangible influences, is equivocal – and their effects equally devastating. Although Albany claims Cornwall’s deserved disgrace of being killed by a servant as proof of divine justice, the death of Cordelia is a bolt from a sky cleared by the vanished storm, demonstrating that there’s no simple scheme of rewards or punishments, earthly or divine. Both are equally wanton, confirming the bleak views of human predicament expressed in â€Å"like flies to wanton boys are we to th’gods; They kill us for their sport†. Religion – Adapted from old play: King Leir, which is pre-Christian. Shakespeare gave his play a pagan setting, which allowed greater freedom for him to present ticklish theological issues, in particular the question of providence, without falling foul of the strict Jacobean censorship. Jacobeans would be shocked by the image of a son assisting his father to attempt suicide, which is a sin. Audience may detect the Christian theme of a journey through pain, suffering and humiliation to love, forgiveness and wisdom. There are obvious biblical echoes, like as Cordelia’s â€Å"O dear father, / It is thy business that I go about†, and the apocalyptic nature of the storm. Thus, its bleak, almost sadistic ending diverges from Jacobean expectation. It doesn’t fit the tragedy trajectory that moves from order to disorder and eventual restoration and fulfilment – Hence, a modified version by Tate containing a happy ending had replaced Shakespeare’s original on the stage for few centuries. Madness – Jacobeans’ attitudes to madness were harsh and unsympathetic (bedlam beggars were believed to be possessed by devils). They may have been startled by the proliferation of madness within the empowered individuals of society: Lear’s madness is that of a selfish, autocratic old man whose will is thwarted, whose moral blindness, misjudgements and lack of understanding of himself and others inevitably lead to breakdown: â€Å"O Fool, I shall go mad† Cornwall and Regan seem to become mad in their obsession with Gloucester’s punishment. Gloucester thinks it better to be ‘distract’ and lose his sorrow in ‘wrong imaginations’. He views madness as a privilege, bestowing innocence upon the insane person. Ironically, the madness of Poor Tom, and archetypal image of insanity, is put on. The Fool’s ‘madness’ is professional, witty, exposing the weakness and folly of his ‘reasonable’ superiors. Human madness is reflected as disturbance in nature and society. Lear’s inner torment is externalised by the violent storm. Lear’s tearing up of the kingdom is political madness, kindling a storm of social frenzy that precipitates cruelty, blindness, madness and death. These incidences of madness demonstrate the vulnerability of those in whom we entrust power, and thus how fragile the fabric of Jacobean society was. The Natural Order – Jacobeans would have viewed the play, especially its characters, through notions of what’s ‘natural’ and ‘unnatural’ instilled into them by their paradigm. This paradigm advocates hierarchical order enforced by God – with King fixed at the pinnacle of the social hierarchy, and the father at the family’s – both charged with the duty to maintain their state in harmony. The perversions that occur to this order are unnatural: Lear’s division of the kingdom according to daughters’ protestation of love violates a monarch’s duty to keep his kingdom unified. This act allows evil to breed, resulting in personal and social madness in the form of suffering, civil war, self-destruction. Children revoking their filial duty also violate natural order. Being female, Goneril and Regan’s usurping of the patriarchal status quo induce particular shock and horror in Jacobeans. Their self-destruction is expected repercussion of their double felony against the natural order. A Jacobean reading interprets King Lear as a vivid social portrait, featuring aspects of social conditions, depicting social change, and voicing the beliefs of its contemporary audience. Its story teaches a moral lesson against the shirking of responsibility and division of one’s state. Its characters represent social groups- their actions and interactions parallel the ebb and flow of social forces.

Schedule and Cost Control Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Schedule and Cost Control Techniques - Essay Example (Mochal, 2007)The benefit for this technique is the fact that it takes into account three different scenarios in order to complete the whole picture thus ensuring that project doesn't bring surprises. The basic fact behind the success of PERT is the fact that it intends to capture wider areas of estimates so that managers can have all the possible indications of how the project may behave given these conditions happen and based on their judgment and experience they choose the best estimate. Further, what is most beneficial in the use of PERT is the fact that it takes into the uncertainty related with the project. By taking into account the three difference scenarios, it tends to capture the uncertainty therefore there are very minimal chances of something going awry until and unless project encounters something which is entirely external and out of the control of the project managers. Thus PERT not only not assist and scheduling and estimating of the project but helps in making tradeoffs between project and segments. Similarly, EVM or earned value management is another tool available to project managers which can greatly help to view projects in more objective way. Essentially, EVM tends to measure technical performance, schedule performance and cost performance using one single estimation methodology. However, what is most important with this methodology is the fact that it can provide early warning signals if applied properly thus it provides a very accurate method of ensuring that if followed properly, it can help avoid the big surprises during the project life cycle. Further to this, what is more critical and valuable about this approach is the fact that it helps achieve the measurement of cost performance therefore ensuring that projects besides remaining within the technical parameters also remain within the budgets so that risk tradeoffs could be made between the whole project and the segments. This is important in the sense that It provides a better grip over the affairs of the project besides ensuring that the costs remain within the control and all the associated risks with the project are balanced with proper risk and return tradeoff. However one more important thing that EVM fail to capture is the quality of the project otherwise it tend to focus clearly on ensuring that the schedules as well as ensuring that the risk tradeoffs between the various segments of the project and project itself are well managed. Risk Metric is another tool which can greatly help to normalize the project as it can greatly help achieve to minimize the risks associated with the projects. (Ferguson, 2004) it provides the required visibility into the uncertainities related with the project thus it is most valuable in assessing and making risk return trade off in the projects besides ensuring that the costs and other estimates and schedules are properly prepared and are within the limits. "The proposed metric can be applied early and throughout the project. It has been useful for identifying or canceling projects in trouble. It has also been useful for identifying projects that do not yet have a satisfactory risk plan." (Ferguson, 2004). Further Risk Metric can also allow project managers to check the compliance of the project with the standards and procedures set in the beginning of the project. Conclusion There are various tools and techniques available to ensure that during the